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Investment and Endowment Information

The UC San Diego Foundation's Investment/Finance Committee meets quarterly to review and discuss all significant financial matters affecting the Foundation. As part of the UC system, the Foundation has the opportunity to invest in the UC's General Endowment Pool and Short Term Investment Pool, both managed by the Office of the UC Chief Investment Officer. 


Endowment Investment Pool

The primary investment objective for the Endowment portfolio is to achieve returns over the long term that preserve or enhance the purchasing power of the endowment.  This is paramount to the long-term purpose and viability of the portfolio, and is documented and defined in the Endowment Investment & Spending Policy (PDF).


Endowment Report

The Office of Gift Policy Administration and Donor/Fund Stewardship prepares and sends a report to donors annually on the financial status of endowed funds. The reports are prepared on a fiscal-year-end basis and delivered to donors each fall.

2024 Endowment Report

Intermediate Total Return Fund (ITRF)

The Intermediate Total Return Fund (ITRF) was established as of January 1, 1992 by action of the Board of Trustees of the UC San Diego Foundation. Its purpose is to provide an alternative investment option specifically for discretionary current funds that are not going to be expended in the near-term. It is recognized that this investment option has substantially higher market risk, and potential for capital appreciation, than is normally found with current fund investments. Learn more about the ITRF Investment Policy and Guidelines

Sample Request Letter to Invest in ITRF [DOC]

Current Pool Investments

Current funds in the UC San Diego Foundation are created by donations or by earnings on investments. Unlike the principal of endowed funds, current funds are completely expendable at the discretion of the fund administrator. In investing its current funds, the overall strategy of the UC San Diego Foundation is to emphasize safety of principal, while ensuring quality of holdings, liquidity, and meeting cash flow requirements of current fund holders and Foundation operating expenses. The objective of the Foundation’s current fund investment portfolio is to maximize available yield, while assuming an appropriate level of risk to ensure the safety of the principal.

 Current Pool Investment Policy (PDF)

Student Foundation Investments

The UC San Diego Student Foundation was established in 1998 with a donation of $100,000 from UC San Diego alumni Patricia, ’83 and Marc Brutten, ’79. The first of its kind in the University of California system and only one of five similar organizations nationwide, the Student Foundation promotes a culture of philanthropy by teaching fellow students how to invest, fund raise and manage an endowment, all in the name of student scholarships. 

Student Foundation Investment Policy 

For performance data from earlier fiscal years, please contact Manav Verma at