Gift Fund and Foundation Forms
The mission of the Foundation Accounting staff is to provide high quality, customer-focused service and accurate financial information that is easily accessible to our customers. In so doing, we will ensure compliance with applicable accounting and investment policies and generally accepted principles, as well as apply prudent business, ethical, and moral standards of care.
New Fund Request
Please complete all fields as applicable.
Campus Gift Revenue
New Fund: Complete a Gift Fund Chart String Form
NOTE: As of June 6, 2024, we are no longer accepting Foundation Request for Funds forms. Please see our FAQ page for the new process.
When a new fund is established, or if a gift chart string needs to be updated, please complete the Gift Chart String form and submit through UC San Diego Services & Support Portal, About: Gift Funds; Related to: Gift Fund Setup & Transfer; More Specifically: Gift Fund Chart String. Once gift revenue is recorded if you need to allocate the money to another project or financial unit, please complete a resource transfer.
If you have questions, use About: Gift funds; Related to: Gift Fund Inquiries; More Specifically: Gift Fund Questions
Requests sent through other channels WILL NOT BE PROCESSED.
There is no longer a need to set up a transfer fund. Since Campus & Foundation are using separate ledgers within Oracle the fund number is the same on both ledgers. Please ensure your project or task have been created in PADUA prior to submitting a Gift Chart String form. If you need assistance with using PADUA, please see this knowledgebase article.
Gift Fund Chart String Form: This form allows you to provide the single chart string for all gift revenue and endowment payout to be recorded on the UCSD ledger.
- Complete all the fields. All are required.
- If the Fund begins with A, B, D, E, F, H, N, P, T, or U: Do not provide a task or function. These funds only receive revenue on the UCSD ledger. Enter 000 for function and 0 for task.
- If the Fund begins with M or R: task and function are required so credit card fees can be posted to both GL & PPM.
- Endowed chairs: DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM. The payout for endowed chairs will be transferred to a central VC chart string. Someone in the VC’s business office will complete a resource transfer to move the payout into the chairholder’s project once the requirements of Academic Policy PPM 230-8 Section II D have been met.
Addition of Endowment Payout to Principal
Please complete all fields as requested and a DocuSign form will be generated for approvals.
Foundations W-9 Form
f you would like a copy of our form W9, please follow the appropriate instructions below:
- UC San Diego Faculty or Staff: Submit a Services and Support Ticket including the business purpose of your request to About: Gift Funds, Related to: Gift Fund Inquiries; More Specifically: Gift Fund Questions.
- External: Send an email with the business purpose of your request to Kierstin Sykes at
A Gift & Foundation Accounting staff member will respond to your request within two business days.
If you have issues using the forms, or questions on which form to use, submit a UC San Diego Services & Support Portal case: About: Gift funds; Related to: Gift Fund Inquiries; More Specifically: Gift Fund Questions.
All Foundation Forms are in pdf format. Use this format in conjunction with Adobe Acrobat to print the form and complete it separately. If you do not have the Acrobat software installed on your machine, use this link to obtain a free copy.
In order to complete & submit the forms, you will need to right-click and choose "save as" to download the form to your desktop first. We have been made aware of an incompatibility between most browsers and Adobe that will not allow the forms to work properly. We thank you for your patience as we work to implement an alternate solution.
If you need to have a new project created before you submit your transfer request, please see this knowledgebase article for how make the request.