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Instructions for Wire Transfers, Gifts of Securities or CryptoCurrency

Wire Transfer Instructions

Please notify our team at prior to making transfers so we can confirm receipt of your wire and ensure proper application of your gift as banks provide minimal information on wire transfers. For international wires, please reach out to our team and the instructions will be provided.

For corporate vendor setup, please submit a Services and Support Ticket, including the required forms to About:  Gift Funds, Related to: Gift Fund Inquiries; More Specifically: Gift Fund Questions.

In your communication, please include the following:

  • Donor's name
  • Amount being transferred
  • Fund number and name
  • Invoice number (if applicable)
  • A gift letter 

Foundation: If the fund number begins with letters A-L, please see the wire instructions for gifts to the UC San Diego Foundation.

Regents: If the fund number begins with letters M-Z, please see the wire instructions for gifts to the UC Regents for the benefit of UC San Diego.

Stock Transfer Instructions

Please coordinate with our team at prior to making transfers so we can ensure we can accept the security you wish to donate. In your communication, please include the following:

  • Donor's name
  • Security's name
  • # of shares
  • Fund number and name
  • A gift letter 

Cryptocurrency Instructions

UC San Diego Foundation is now accepting gifts of cryptocurrency ("crypto"). The IRS has classified crypto as a gift of property, not a gift of currency and not a security. The link above contains the form for donating crypto and frequently asked questions.

If you have any additional questions please contact our team at

   Thank you for your support of UC San Diego!